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Chinese translation for "fueling facility"


Related Translations:
facility charge:  设备费
buiding facility:  大楼设施
medical facility:  医救设备医疗设备医疗设施
facility noun:  能够或易于做某事的环境
launch facility:  发射设备
shifting facilities:  移位装置
generic facility:  类属设施
helicopter facility:  直升机设施
parking facility:  停车设备停车设施停车装置
passenger facilities:  客运设备诱客设备
Example Sentences:
1.Lcq10 : aviation fuel facility in tuen mun
2.Lcq3 : permanent aviation fuel facility
3.Also on the agenda are the improvement work to be done at a section of tung chung road between lung tseng tau and cheung sha , and the pipeline routing of aviation fuel facility
4.Even the lung kwu chau marine park which is supposed to protect the dolphins has a large temporary aviation fuel facility in the middle of it noted clarus chu , marine conservation officer
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